Thursday, 7 April 2011


An incredible explosion called the Big Bang is believed to have created the universe. Observation of galaxies and heat radiation from space have helped confirm this theory Astronomers are now working to explain exactly what happened from the point of the Big Bang explosion which created everything in today’s universe matter, energy, space and time to the present universe with its galaxies, stars, planets and air.

The universe many end in a Big Crunch if it starts to contact until it is hot and dense once and more. But even this may not mean the end of the Universe.

Black Holes
Astronomers have spent much time analyzing how stars form and how they develop. One problem was to explain what happened to the massive stars at the end of life. In 1967, the term “black hole” was used to describe one type of object that is left when a massive star dies. Four years later, cygns X – 1 was found, the first candidate for a black hole. Space and time are highly distorted inside a black hole. Anyone unlucky enough to fall into one would be stretched to resemble spaghetti as gravity pulled more on the feet than the head. “Isn’t it interesting to know about the universe.!!!

Peace Movements

Throughout History, people have engaged in warfare And every time a war has been fought, some people have joined a peace movement to protest against it. Peace movements contain a wide variety of people: some oppose war for religious reasons or as a matter of individual conscience; others may oppose a particular war for political reasons. Huge demonstration of thousands of people, and individual acts of courageous protest, contribute to effective campaigns for peace.

P. Rishika Reddy

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