Friday, 8 April 2011

Field trip to Dullapally Forest Reserve

It was the first field trip of the academic year 2010-11. The day was bright, sunny and pleasant and we made our move to the Dullapally Forest Reserve located in the outskirts of the city. It was on 12th June, 2010 that we had visited the forest reserve and taking the help of the forest authorities, we moved into the forest. We were confident enough to spot wild animals. But, unfortunately we could find none of them. The children were disheartened but, the most interesting part of the trip was we could get benevolent facts regarding the scientific names of the foliage found in the forests, their habitat, their living conditions and other general information. The high school students were guided by the teachers on top of a rock hill which gave us the complete view of the forest. Then it was time for an adventure, Amarnath Sir followed 

by the students of  9th and 10th set into the forest and struggled to come out of the dense woods. Then, we assembled at an area and had a hearty meal. At the end of the day, it was time for games and sports. We played the funniest cricket game ever. Each side had 33 players and it was really challenging for batsmen to score the runs. With the dusk, we made our way back home after a remarkable day……………..

Nitish Jagdish Jyoti
Asst. Secretary (Literary club)

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