Friday, 8 April 2011

What we have achieved as ‘SLATERS’
S – Service in our action.
L – Loyalty towards our work.
A – Awareness amongst students.
T – Trust in our ability.
E – Efficiency in our efforts.
T – Tremendous energy in our work.
H – Humanity in our deeds.
E – Excitement in hardwork.
S – Sincerity in our work.
C – Character in our behaviour.
H – Humour yourself and others.
O – Obedience to our respected teachers.
O – Out of debt, out of danger.
L – Love towards our Nation.

Riya Baldwa

Junk Food

Junk food, junk food, it’s every where
But nutrition in it is no where!
Additives, preservatives and saturated fat
Our body needs none of that.

You love to gorge on potato chips,
And then naturally, smack your lips.
But did you know that these have lots of starch?
And to lose all that weight you’ll have to march.

Wafer, cola, pizza and burger
Take your unhealthiness a little further
Apples, pears, carrots and spinach
In front of these, junk food is no match.

So let’s take a vow to stop junk food
Because it does your body no good.

Hajeera Namreen

Failure is Not Final

A man who failed in business at the age of 21,
Was defeated in the legislature at the age of 22,
Failed again in business at the age of 24,
Overcame the death of his sweet heart at the age of 26,
Had a nervous breakdown, at the age of 27,
Lost a congressional race at the age of 34,
Again lost it at the age of 36,
Lost a membership at the age of 45,
Failed to become Vice President the age of 47,
Lost a sensorial race at the age of 49,
Was elected the President of United States of America at the age of 52.
He was no one else but the great,
The all time Great President of America.
As its said that “TRY AND TRY, UNTIL YOU SUCCEED”.


Field trip to Dullapally Forest Reserve

It was the first field trip of the academic year 2010-11. The day was bright, sunny and pleasant and we made our move to the Dullapally Forest Reserve located in the outskirts of the city. It was on 12th June, 2010 that we had visited the forest reserve and taking the help of the forest authorities, we moved into the forest. We were confident enough to spot wild animals. But, unfortunately we could find none of them. The children were disheartened but, the most interesting part of the trip was we could get benevolent facts regarding the scientific names of the foliage found in the forests, their habitat, their living conditions and other general information. The high school students were guided by the teachers on top of a rock hill which gave us the complete view of the forest. Then it was time for an adventure, Amarnath Sir followed 

by the students of  9th and 10th set into the forest and struggled to come out of the dense woods. Then, we assembled at an area and had a hearty meal. At the end of the day, it was time for games and sports. We played the funniest cricket game ever. Each side had 33 players and it was really challenging for batsmen to score the runs. With the dusk, we made our way back home after a remarkable day……………..

Nitish Jagdish Jyoti
Asst. Secretary (Literary club)

Grand Parents

From early in the morning,
Until I go to sleep each day,
I know my grand parents love me,
In a very special way.

Sometimes its toys and chocolates,
Sometimes a walk in the park,
Sometimes its just a hug,
When I am scared in the dark.

Grand Parents and Grand Children,
Together they create a chain of love.
Linking the past,
With the future.
The chain may lengthen,
But it will never part.


Poem on Friendship

Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss,
If you are my friend, please answer this,
Are we friends, or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now, And tell me true
So I can say…, I’m here for you
Of all the friends, I’ve ever met
You are the one, I won’t forget
And if I die, before you do
I’ll go to heaven, and wait for you
I’ll give the angel, back her wings
And risk the loss, of everything,
Just to prove that my friendship is true
To have a friend like you……………

Srujitha, Ria, Fariha – VII  A

True friend

Friend gives you smile.
But true friend gives you happiness.

Friend will lie about you.
But true friend won’t tell your weakness.

Friend knives you from back
But true friend will slog your face.

Friend comes when he needs you
But true friend comes when everybody loves you.

Friend comes and leaves
But true friend is yours forever.

Thousands friends come when you’re happy.
But only one true friend comes when you cry.

Many friends will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friend will leave footprints….

K. Lalithanjali

About Dad
A great man who spares his life,
Hide his feeling,
Ignore his happiness,
Accepts the pain,
Forgets his comfort,
Struggles at work,
To make us comfortable and be happy
In our life without struggle.


Feeling of love + moment of caring + small small sharings + stupid fights + shoulder to cry + to be together in pain = creates a miracle called ‘FRIEND’.

Life is like a chocolate box,
Each box is like a portion of life.
Some are crunchy,
Some are nutty,
Some are soft, but all are delicious.


Thursday, 7 April 2011


Let me breathe, let me release
A little feather of knowledge,
I want in my cap, not a pile
Of books or a sea of marks
Would give me one
A pinch of guidance, a pepper
Of freedom, an ingredient
Of love is what I want
I am a ‘pressure cooked’ teen
Today carving for rationalism
Give me my space, because for
Me life is becoming an endless
Race. I beg you to give my
World back to me, which had
My childhood I want to win.

P. Rishika Reddy

 Few Amazing Facts

1)           Bag pipes are identified with Scotland, but the ancient instrument was introduced into the British Isles by the Romans.
2)           The temperature inside the cylinder of an internal combustion car engine can reach up to 1700 degrees Celsius as hot as molten lava.
3)           The famous ‘Marquee Hollywood’, is 50 feet tall, stretches 450 feet across and weighs over 2,04,116 kgs. It, originally read ‘Hollywood Land’.
4)           Jelly fish do not belong to the fish family. They are related to the coral family with no head, brain, heart, eyes or ears.
5)           The largest pearl is the ‘Pearl of L aotze’ found in the philippines in 1934. It weighs about the same as a 4-month old baby.
6)           ‘Seikan tunnel’ the World’s longest underwater tunnel is 51km long and it links the Hokkadio and Honshu Islands of Japan.
7)           The Jigsaw puzzles were invented in 1769. The first Jigsaws were maps used to teach Geography to the children.
8)           An original Persian rug has one million knots in every three square inches and can last for 500 years.
9)           Lake Baikal in Siheria is the only lake in the world whose immense depth creates the ideal ecosphere for deep-sea fish to thrive.
10)      The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was the tallest structure in the world for 4,389 years, until the Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889.
11)      William Shakespeare had a vocabulary of over twenty nine thousands words. Any smart individual knows around ten to fifteen thousand words.
12)      James Garfield the ex. U. S. President could write Latin and Greek at the same time, one with his right hand and one with his left.
13)      The hottest temperature recorded of all time was in the little town of Al-Aziziyah in Libya on September 13th 1922. It was 57.7. degree ‘C’.
14)      The elephant’s trunk is so sensitive that if it choses to, it could lift a sewing needle with it.
15)      Canada has a fish, the Oolichan, that can be lighted at one end and used as a candle.
16)      The Galopagas Islands were created by lava from Volcanic eruptions and volcanoes rising from the sea bed, just like the Hamai.
17)      The challenger Deep French is the deepest point on earth situated at more than 35,000 feet below sealevel.
18)      Mozart first played the harpsichord at 3 and wrote music when was 5. He only lived till 35 but he produced over 600 pieces of music.
19)      The Tarantula Hawk Wasp lays her eggs on a spider. She paralyses the spider with her sting so that her young ones could have fresh meat to eat.
20)      The Hubble Space Telescope, originally build in 1990, weighs about 10,896 kilograms, is 43 feet long and costs about 2.1 billion U.S. Dollars.

Ms. Smitha Varma
English Language Teacher

Love of God

101% from a strictly mathematical view point:
What equals 100?
What does it mean to give more than 100%?
Ever wondered about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to give over 100%......
How about achieving 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here’s a small mathematical formula that might help answer these questions :

If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z are represented as :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and 26.

Then H – A – R – D – W – O – R – K
8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 98%.
K – N – O – W – L – E – D – G – E
11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%.
A – T – T – I – T – U – D – E
1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100%.
Then, look how far the love of God will take you
L – O – V – E – O – F – G – O – D
12 + 15 + 22 + 5 + 15 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with certainty that :
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It’s the Love of God that will put you over the top!

S B Pravallika

The Pot's Tale

A poor woman had a copper pot and an earthern pot in her kitchen.  The copper pot was proud of its shine and strength and always looked down on the earthen pot. Once there was a flood in the village. The flood water entered the poor woman’s house.  All the house articles were swept away in the flood. By chance, the two pots floated out together. They soon were being swept away in the swift away, he said, “Why are you there? Come near me. You are made of mud and will not be saved. If you are near men you’ll be safe and protected.” The earthen pot smiled politely and said. “Thank you my friend, but I won’t come near you at all. As you said I am made of mud so I am weak and delicate. If I come near you and a wave hits you then we’ll crash into each other, and I’ll break into many bits. I’d rather be alone and safe. 
Please don’t come near me.”

Moral : Over powerful people often spell trouble.

Sanjana Agarwal

My Teacher

My favourite teacher’s name is Sunita teacher. She teaches us very well. She explains us subjects like Maths, English, Hindi, G.K. etc.
If we have any problem our teacher helps us in doing that work. She loves children very much and we too love her very much.

Dhruv Jain

My Teacher

I love my teacher Rinku teacher very much. When she does not come to school I feel very sad. She is always smiling and I feel happy to see her. I like to learn from her as she makes the class interesting. All must get a teacher like her.

Yohan Quraishy


          Built as tombs for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, the true pyramid was square at the base and rose steeply to a point, or apex. The triangular outline, as seen in the Great Pyramid of Giza, was significance to the Egyptians it represented the mound upon which the sun god stood when he created the other gods. Thousands of years later, Central American peoples, such as the Maya, also built pyramid – like structures. These were made of stone blocks, and featured straight, steep staircases. They were often topped with a temple.

Inside the Great Pyramid

Made of 2.3 Million limestone blocks, and taking 20 years to build, the Great Pyramid was the oldest of seven wonders of the Ancient world. The uppermost burial chamber contained khufu’s coffin; but the other chambers may be false. Pyramids like this were usually in a large complex.


Funny English Facts

The plural of a box is boxes
But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes.

One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese.
Yet the plural moose should never be meese.

You may find a one mouse or a nest full of mice.
Yet the plural of house is houses not hice.

If the plural of man is called men,
then shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen.

If I speak of my foot and show you my feet.
And I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth.
Why shouldn’t the plural of booth called beeth?

There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburgers.
Neither apple nor pine in pineapple.

Why a writers write and fingers don’t fring, grocers don’t groce, and hammer don’t ham.
If the teacher taught and why don’t preachers prought.

English is a funny language.

If father is pop, how come mother is not a mop?

I would like to conclude that if people from Poland are called Poles, then people from Holland should be Holes.

K. Vasudha


An incredible explosion called the Big Bang is believed to have created the universe. Observation of galaxies and heat radiation from space have helped confirm this theory Astronomers are now working to explain exactly what happened from the point of the Big Bang explosion which created everything in today’s universe matter, energy, space and time to the present universe with its galaxies, stars, planets and air.

The universe many end in a Big Crunch if it starts to contact until it is hot and dense once and more. But even this may not mean the end of the Universe.

Black Holes
Astronomers have spent much time analyzing how stars form and how they develop. One problem was to explain what happened to the massive stars at the end of life. In 1967, the term “black hole” was used to describe one type of object that is left when a massive star dies. Four years later, cygns X – 1 was found, the first candidate for a black hole. Space and time are highly distorted inside a black hole. Anyone unlucky enough to fall into one would be stretched to resemble spaghetti as gravity pulled more on the feet than the head. “Isn’t it interesting to know about the universe.!!!

Peace Movements

Throughout History, people have engaged in warfare And every time a war has been fought, some people have joined a peace movement to protest against it. Peace movements contain a wide variety of people: some oppose war for religious reasons or as a matter of individual conscience; others may oppose a particular war for political reasons. Huge demonstration of thousands of people, and individual acts of courageous protest, contribute to effective campaigns for peace.

P. Rishika Reddy

My Wonderful Sister

           The person who is very close to in my family is my sister. She plays with me, helps me in doing my home work and in my studies. Whenever my parents are not at home, she takes care of me very well. Though I trouble her at times with my naughtiness, she bares with patience. She is always smiling. She tells me that I should always respect elders and be good to everyone. When I don’t get sleep she tells me favourite secret seven stories.
          She is a very good dancer and a singer. I love her dances and songs. She got many prizes for them. I also want to become like her when I grow old.

          I love my sister very much.

N. Advaitha

The Art and Science of Living

à Yoga is our heritage handed down through ages by the Rishis (sages) and their disciples. Generation after generation should enjoy the benefits of yoga. In the part it has been the tradition in India. Intiate children into yoga by the Rishies at their tender age.

à In Indian, children are traditionally introduced to the practice of yoga at the age of eight nine and ten. The vedic tradition has a ceremony for children of this age in which they are laugh surya namaskar, pranayamam and spiritual chantings.

à This tradition still continues on a small scale even today. But it is also necessary to include yoga in formal education.

à Yoga is the Art and Science of living and is concerned with the evolution of Mind and body. Therefore, yoga incorporates a system of disciplines for furthering an Integrated development of all aspects of the individual.

à When we start the disciples of yoga we usually begin with the outermost aspect of the physical personality. The physical Boyd, through the practice of physical postures (Asanas).

Yoga Instructor

When you are sad
I will dry your tears
When you are scared
I will comfort your fears   
When you are worried
I will give you hope
When you are confused
I will give you cope
And when you are lost
And can’t see the light
I shall be your beacon
Shinning ever so bright
This is my oath
I pledge till the end
Why you may ask
Because you are my friend.


Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire.
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something,
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary.
Because it means you’ve made a difference.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those
Who are also thankful for the setbacks
Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become you blessings.

P. Likitha Praharsha